Joker Perfect from united colors of BC 

CEA normal, CL Normal, TNS normal

Goniodysgenesis: Klar

Bayshore´s Hot Fudge Royale


Borderfame Choc chill AM CH

Glentress Winta Reaction CH

Greatvethebluesky from united colors of BC

Dreamshotcoffe from united colors of BC
A Chocolatcipmuffin from united colors of BC

Dream from united colors of BC

CEA normal, CL normal, TNS normal

Goniodysgenesis: Klar

Blue Magic vom Skuddenhof

Torobeam Bush Ranger
Shipelle Dainty Doll

Magic Kiss Blue united Colors B.C.

Borderfame true Blue PT CH
Yezamine Red Beauty vom Skuddenhof

